Working with digital menu is easier. Loading of information is faster and more useful information in digital menu.
Guests are able to leave their reviews directly from the QR code menu. The more reviews - the more new guests are coming from reviews.
Digital QR code menu sells more. Photos increase the appetite - the appetite increases the average check.
Our QR code menu is easy to edit. Higher relevance of the menu, less time and money spent on updating the menu.
Our menu service includes a whole range of functions for the restaurant, cafe or bar.
For your guests - this is a modern, easy to use QR code menu.
For you - this is an digital platform built around your QR code menu for improving a quality of customer service and increasing sales.
No purchasing expensive terminals for you and no application installation on your guests phones needed for our digital menu to work.
Billed Monthly
Billed Monthly
Billed Monthly
You can try our QR code menu service first, and then decide if it suits you or not. It's free and we do not ask for your credit card details.
Your digital menu page acts as your actual business website.
Get a better understanding of your customers. Which sections they visit the most? What items do they choose? All of this can be viewed inside reports.
All you need is a Whatsapp number to start receiving commision free orders.
Customers don't need to sign-up and its super secure.
Your data is protected by industry-leading security measures
Your data is encrypted in transit and at rest
All transactions are processed securely
We adhere to strict data protection regulations
An access to your menu by the link (for social networks, your website or google maps)
An access to your menu by QR code (for placement on tables, windows, showcases, doors etc.)
Menu editing with unlimited amount of categories and items
Both a mobile and a desktop version of the menu
Unlimited amount of viewings for your menu
An ability to remotely edit your menu
An ability to add employees to manage your menu
An ability to add special places into your profile to easily manage a chain of restaurants
An ability to hide menu positions with one click
'Old price/New Price' feature
'Temporary unavailable' feature
Unlimited photos and description loading for your QR menu
Additional restaurant information feature (Address, Phone number, Map, Wi-Fi password)
QR code generator for your menu
Unlimited number of QR code scans